Over the course of the pandemic, we have seen many challenges and changes — and we have seen the community rally together to be able to get to our new normal.

COVID Policy

To keep our community safe and healthy, the primary COVID-19 series is mandatory for all students and the booster is highly recommended.

Vaccination exemptions may be made for (1) sincerely-held religious beliefs, which Cushing Health Services can provide the attestation form upon request by email to [email protected], or (2) medical reasons specified in a letter signed by your student’s primary care provider. If your student has already received the influenza vaccine, please upload a record of this immunization to the Immunization Record in Magnus Health.


Isolation Protocol

On March 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) changed the COVID-19 isolation policy.  The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has also changed its guidelines to match the CDC's. The school medical team has been tracking the number of cases not only here at the Academy but also in the area and has decided to change the COVID-19 guidelines to match those of the CDC and DPH.  

Effective immediately — April 8, 2024 — the new policy will apply to any students who test positive for COVID-19:

  • If a student tests positive for COVID, parents/guardians will be notified and students will be strongly encouraged to depart campus so that they can recover at home
  • If the family chooses to have the student remain on campus, the student will be required to stay in the health center for at least 24 hours to monitor symptoms, including fever.
  • If, after 24 hours, the student has no fever, no new symptoms, and their symptoms have improved, they will be allowed to return to campus.
  • If the student continues to have a fever, they will remain in the health center until they are fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication. 
  • If the student has a fever for greater than 48 hours, we would require the student to depart campus to continue to heal and recover at home. Once the student has no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, they will be able to return to campus.
  • It will be highly recommended that the student wear a mask for 5 days post-positive test and spends as much time outside as possible.
  • Athletes will need to have a return to sports cardiac clearance 10-14 days post-diagnosis before being able to return to sports to minimize any cardiac concerns, per the recommendation of The American Academy of Pediatrics

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Health Services team at (978) 827-7111 or [email protected].


Local Guardian Options

If your family is in need of a local guardian, there are several companies that provide full-service guardianship for families, including: