Student Flu and COVID Vaccine Clinics

To keep our community safe and healthy, the influenza vaccine and primary COVID-19 series is mandatory for all students.

Student Flu/COVID Vaccine Clinic

Cushing holds an annual Flu/COVID clinic on campus each fall. This year's clinic will be held on October 5, 2024, during Super Saturday in the Library. A separate COVID booster clinic will be scheduled later this fall.

To keep our community safe and healthy, the influenza vaccine is mandatory for all students and the COVID booster is highly recommended.

Parents who elect to have their students participate in the clinic will need to complete the Health Services: Chair City Influenza Consent form no later than October 1, 2024. If you have already submitted this form and would like to make changes to your selection, please contact Health Services at (978) 827-7111 or


Vaccination Exemptions
Vaccination exemptions may be made for (1) sincerely-held religious beliefs, for which Cushing Health Services can provide the attestation form upon request by email to, or (2) medical reasons specified in a letter signed by your student’s primary care provider. If your student has already received the influenza vaccine, please upload a record of this immunization to the Immunization Record in Magnus Health.



If you have any questions about the Flu/COVID vaccination clinic, please reach out to the Health Services team at (978) 827-7111 or